
Parent Involvement

Class Participation

Parents may visit and/or observe their child’s classroom at any time the program is in operation. Parents are also welcome to use the observation booths to observe other classes. Involvement in the classrooms can be spontaneous and informal or arranged on a regular basis. Some examples of ways parents participate in the life of a classroom are: facilitate special activities, share a special talent or interest, drive on field trips, come in and prepare a snack with the children and read stories.

Parent Involvement

Each lead teacher will have his or her own style of organizing parent involvement. Parents may also take the initiative and contact their child’s teacher about specific preferences for getting involved. We ask that parents consider that while their presence in the classroom is valuable and welcomed, we want to strive for a balance of giving children support and helping them achieve a sense of self confidence and independence while here at school. Volunteering or visiting too frequently may interfere with children’s ability to create a social network and feel the competence that comes along with managing school on their own.

Parents who have the desire to contribute their time on a larger scale can participate in the life of the school by volunteering to work with lead teachers as a "Room Parent". Room parents support the teachers in a variety of ways such as helping to organize class events, welcoming new families who join the class, helping children create "good-bye gifts" for departing teacher candidates and participating in classroom projects as needed.

The Lab School also has an Operations Committee which helps to make school policy decisions and hire new staff and a Repair Committee which repairs and refurbishes toys, books, equipment etc., as needed.

All-School Social Events

Throughout the year there are many opportunities for families to get together with staff and other Lab School families. We continually strive to offer opportunities that match families’ interests and schedules and will be meaningful.

Some all-school social events from recent school years included the:

  1. Back–to-School Play Date at Van Cleve Park
  2. Parent Information Night
  3. Gym Jam at Bierman Indoor Football Field
  4. Family Creativity Night
  5. Spring Soiree for adult friends of the Lab School
  6. All School End-of-the-Year Pizza Party with the Teddy Bear Band