Lindsay Walz2014 Rising Alumni

Frances Vavrus photo

Lindsay Walz has a strong passion for and commitment to youth work, the arts, and social justice. Through her organization courageous heARTS, she offers youth a safe space to heal and be empowered through expressive arts, community building, and leadership development. A survivor of the 35-W bridge collapse, Lindsay continues to share her story to help others dealing with traumatic experiences find comfort and hope. She has been a volunteer with the Seward Longfellow Restorative Justice Partnership since 2009 and is a 2013 awardee of the Arts and Healing Network.


Founder and Executive Director
courageous heARTS

What skills are important to succeed as a young professional today?

I think a deep sense of understanding about your own core values is essential to being successful. There is so much information to manage and so many demands on our time that it is important to be able to answer the questions: What is important to me? What energizes me? How will I live out my values in my work? What will I do if my values and my work come into conflict?

What professors were most influential during your time in CEHD?

My time in Youth Studies was the most influential. I gained particular awareness about myself and the world from Mike Baizerman's classes.

What was the impact and benefit of your experience in CEHD?

During my time in CEHD I learned a tremendous amount about myself and my place in the world. I was exposed to new ideas, new perspectives, and new approaches to the world's opportunities, as well as the challenges. I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge I have gained during my time with the University and CEHD, and know it helped me actualize my dream.

What is your favorite University of Minnesota memory?

My fondest memories are those with the lifelong friends that I made during two years of dorm living in Bailey Hall and football games at the Dome (including the ruckus bus rides to and from campus).

What is a good book you would recommend to others?

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown has so much wisdom in it and captures the importance of courage in all of our lives. I am so grateful for her research and her ability to convey it in an approachable way, so that we can all grow a little closer through our vulnerabilities.

What is a "fun fact" about you?

I have six owls tattooed on my wrists- three on each side. They remind me to be wise and courageous. The design also represents my interest in restorative practices and healing energy work like reiki.