The student teaching triad

In student teaching, a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor support the development of a teacher candidate. These three individuals form a triad.

Each member of the triad has particular roles that provide the foundation for a successful student teaching experience. Because the triad works together it is important to know the responsibilities and expectations for each member.

For information on building rapport in a triad please see:

The following relationship building activities are designed to help you get to know your co-teaching partner better.

What values are most important to you and why?

You are to work as a cooperating teacher and teacher candidate pair. Each of you will take turns to:

  1. Reflect on what values are most important to you and what they mean to you
  2. Then sort available value options by dragging and dropping them into three dropboxes: Very important, Somewhat important, and Not important.

The results of your selection will be displayed to you side by side. Discuss with your partner what values you chose, why you selected it, and what you have learned about yourself during this exercise. What did you learn about each other?

What are your perceptions about student behaviors and attitudes?

This list is designed to help you compare your perceptions about appropriate and inappropriate student behaviors in the classroom. Please discuss similarities and differences in your perceptions using guiding questions below. Are these behaviours acceptable or unacceptable?

  1. Student arrives late to class.
  2. Student does not complete homework.
  3. Student frequently misses school the day of test or major assignment.
  4. Student often requests help or approval of work in progress.
  5. Student is inattentive (talking, doing another task, sleeping).
  6. Student hits or shoves another student.
  7. Student uses profanity or inappropriate language.
  8. Student argues with or is rude to teacher.
  9. Student verbally/sexually harasses another student.
  10. Student makes frequent requests to leave the room.
  11. Student hums, sub-vocalizes, taps pencil, etc.
  12. Student frequently requests extra credit or special consideration.
  13. Student does not participate in classroom activities.
  14. Student throws pencils/paper wads, shoots rubber bands.
  15. Student makes irrelevant comments or gives silly answers.
  16. Student interrupts others.
  17. Student comes to class without paper, book, pencil, etc.
  18. Student whines or tattles on other students.
  19. Student's work from home exceeds quality or work in class.


  • What is your rationale for the degree of acceptance/tolerance you have for different behaviors?
  • How does this affect your rapport with and regard for students?
  • What behaviors do you demonstrate to promote success for students?
  • What behaviors do you demonstrate to compromise success?
  • Do some of those behaviors appear to be opposite of your co-teacher?

Next: Communication and Collaboration

Previous: Co-Teaching Strategies

© 2012, St. Cloud State University. Used with permission by the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities’ Office of Teacher Education (OTE) for the CEHD Partner Network