College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

Keely Vandre

  • Pronouns: she, her, hers

  • PACC Coordinator, Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare; SSW Communications

Keely Vandre

Areas of interest

Intersection of disability and child welfare; families and children; professional education


MSW, University of Minnesota 
BA, University of Minnesota
LGSW, Minnesota Board of Social Work


Keely coordinates the Permanency & Adoption Competency Certificate (PACC) program offered through the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, supporting advanced level training for mental health and child welfare professionals, and increasing a network of qualified providers statewide. She also supports communications more broadly for the school.

A graduate of the School of Social Work, she has worked in various community settings in both program coordination and training, as well as in clinical mental health focusing on developmental disability and family therapy. She also holds a Disability Policy certificate from the University of Minnesota.