University of Minnesota

Film Festival

The 2017 Tucker Center Film Festival marked the 7th anniversary of this important event in which we celebrate films that feature women’s sport and female athletes.

Our 2017 Tucker Center Film Festival featured "The Founders" on February 8 at 6:30pm in the TCF Bank Stadium's DQ Club Room (enter at southwest "Benton County" gate)

The Founders is an iconic story of 13 women who together battled society, prejudice, and preconception to create a lasting, global sporting legacy in golf. While their male counterparts drew adoring crowds and handsome purses for their athletic achievements, The Founders used money from their own pockets to stage tournaments in small, far-flung towns that questioned whether female golfers were even worth watching. Together, they logged thousands of miles a week just for the opportunity to tee off on courses they also had to groom! With the creation of the Ladies Professional Golf Association, The Founders staked their claim on the green and forged a path for future women athletes to be celebrated and taken seriously.

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THE FOUNDERS FILM TRAILER from Charlie Fisk on Vimeo...


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