College of Education and Human Development

Department of Curriculum and Instruction


    Article Type

    University of Minnesota receives $1.5 million to support Asian American and Pacific Islander students from a U.S. Department of Education grant

    U.S. Department of Education grant to support Asian American students at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus will improve outcomes in academic achievement and post-college success. With $1.5 million in new funding announced this month from the U.S. Department of Education, University of Minnesota Professor Bic Ngo will expand programming aimed at improving academic […]

    C&I’s King and Schwedhelm publish research on the policy behind state seals and certificates of biliteracy in Minnesota

    Professor Kendall King and doctoral student Maria Schwedhelm in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction recently published research in the journal Foreign Language Annals addressing the findings of a study spanning three years on the recent implementation of state seals and certificates of biliteracy in Minnesota schools.  Minnesota is one of 38 states to have […]

    Curriculum and Instruction library launches digital catalogue and website

    The Curriculum and Instruction (CI) Library, housed in 45 Peik Hall, recently launched a new website featuring an online searchable catalogue that effectively creates a digital space for patrons to search for texts that are not available in the UMN library system. The library is the only campus space that loans children’s and adolescent literature […]

    New Racial Justice in Urban Schooling minor seeks to improve educational equity

    The Department of Curriculum and Instruction is thrilled to launch the Racial Justice in Urban Schooling undergraduate minor, a program that examines the intersections of race, social class, language status, gender, or sexual orientation, and how those impact educational equity and social justice. The program supports undergraduates from any major to explore their interest in […]

    C&I’s Marek Oziewicz receives inaugural Award for Faculty Contribution to Honors Education

    Marek Oziewicz,  Marguerite Henry Professor of Children’s and Young Adult Literature in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, has received the first annual Award for Faculty Contribution to Honors Education from the University Honors Program (UHP). The award recognizes Oziewicz’s many and significant contributions  to Honors education at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities. Those contributions include […]

    C&I’s Vichet Chhuon writes in the Star Tribune on the importance of teacher diversity in MN

    Vichet Chhuon, C&I associate professor the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, wrote about the crucial need for more teachers of color and native american descent in Minnesota classrooms in an op ed in the Star Tribune, “Counterpoint: Teachers of color and American Indian descent in Minnesota are crucial.” Chhuon underscores the reasons that  a diverse […]

    C&I’s Blanca Caldas Wins Outstanding Dissertation Award

    The American Educational Research Association’s (AERA’s) Bilingual Education Research SIG selects the top three dissertations in the field of bilingual education research each year as outstanding dissertations. Assistant professor in Curriculum & Instruction, Blanca Caldas was honored with the second place Outstanding Dissertation Award for her doctoral thesis, “Performing the Advocate Bilingual Teacher: Drama-based Interventions […]

    J.B. Mayo wins Josie Johnson Human Rights and Social Justice Award

    J.B. Mayo, associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, received the Josie R. Johnson Human Rights and Social Justice Award at the University of Minnesota Equity and Diversity Breakfast on Nov. 17. The Josie R. Johnson Award was established in honor of Dr. Josie R. Johnson in recognition of her lifelong contributions to […]

    C&I’s Bic Ngo receives $1.75 million grant to increase opportunities and services for Asian American students

    Bic Ngo, associate professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, and Josephine Lee of the College of Liberal Arts received a five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to increase services for Asian American students at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities (UMTC) campus. The $1.75 million grant is specifically aimed at providing “assistance […]