College of Education and Human Development

Department of Curriculum and Instruction


    Article Type

    C&I graduates awarded prestigious Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Fellowship

    This week, two Curriculum and Instruction graduates, Joe Cosette and Roshan Anglin were awarded the prestigious Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) 2014 Teaching Fellowship. The five-year fellowship is awarded to early-career STEM teachers who demonstrate the potential to develop the content knowledge needed for teaching, exemplary teaching practices, and the qualities of a teacher leader.

    Lensmire featured on TCR’s The Voice

    This week, Timothy Lensmire, Associate Professor in Curriculum and Instruction discusses his paper, "White Men's Racial Others," on The Voice, a video series produced for the Teachers College Record. As an accompaniment to the video, Lensmire is also participating in an online discussion where he will write and respond to comments to the video.

    CEHD alum Rademacher wins Minnesota Teacher of the Year

    Curriculum and Instruction graduate Thomas Rademacher has been named 2014 Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Rademacher teaches English at the Fine Arts Interdisciplinary Resources (FAIR) School in Minneapolis and Crystal.

    Asher receives 2014-15 Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Award

    Curriculum and Instruction Professor and Department Chair, Nina Asher, is a recipient of a 2014-15 Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Award (Research). “As a U.S.-based scholar, I’ve been writing about postcolonialism, and more recently globalization, consumerism and corporatization. This study, while drawing on those discourses, will be in the context of India,” says Asher. “I want to talk with in-service teachers who are also enrolled in a master’s program and also their faculty about how they are experiencing globalization and privatization in relation to education. What are their thoughts, experiences and analyses? What is their understanding of the implications?”

    C&I Faculty featured in Star Tribune article on English Language Learning

    This month, C&I Faculty in Second Languages and Cultures have been tapped for their expertise in English language learning in Minnesota Public Schools. Last week, the Star Tribune ran the story, "Minnesota students learning English face an uphill battle, but innovations are helping."

    C&I Professor Kendall King quoted in The Atlantic Monthly

    Curriculum and Instruction Professor Kendall King (Second Languages and Cultures) was recently quoted in an article titled, "Dads Caring for Their Kids: It's Parenting, Not Babysitting," featured in The Atlantic Monthly.