Angela Ruggiero2013 Rising Alumni

Angela Ruggiero photo

A four-time Olympic medalist, Angela Ruggiero is one of the most prominent women’s ice hockey players in the world. She is currently pursuing an MBA at Harvard, while promoting sport and physical activity for girls and women with the Women’s Sports Foundation. In 2010, Angela was elected to the International Olympic Committee’s Athletes’ Commission, where she is also chair of the 2016 Lillehammer Youth Olympics Coordination Commission.


Women's Sports Foundation

CEHD Degree

M.Ed., Sport Management

What is a fun fact about you?

I grew up in Los Angeles, but never surfed.

What is your favorite memory from the University of Minnesota?

Class with Jo Ann Buysse! She is a great professor and challenged us to think big, especially regarding the role of women in the sports world. She is an inspiration.

When you have free time, what do you do?

I learn a new sport...squash, yoga, basketball...I am trying to find ways to enjoy sport outside of the elite level. It will always be a part of my life. I'm usually studying for class if I have spare time. Business school is a grind!

What gets you excited about work?

The chance to change the world, whatever that may be. We can all make a difference. I love envisioning ways business can help make our lives better in some way. I guess I'm an entrepreneur at heart!

What is a good book you would recommend to others?

River Town by Peter Hessler. It is a Peace Corps memoir that at its heart is a wonderful account of a teacher and his students.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A librarian. I made Dewey decimal labels and check out cards for all of my books and issued library cards to my stuffed animals.

What was the impact and benefit of your experience in CEHD?

I use the research and evaluation skills that I learned every day at work. I often return to Stuart Yeh’s work in research design, Michael Rodriguez’s measurement instruction, and all of my statistics courses. My experience in CEHD has had an enormous impact on my career.