David Ernst
Senior Director, Academic and Information Technology Services
330A Wulling Hall
86 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-624-2760
- dernst@umn.edu

Areas of interest
Educational Technology, Open Education, Professional Development, Higher Education
PhD Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Technologies
MS Education
BS Physical Sciences Education
Ernst, D., Walker, J.D., Cohen, B. (2011, November). Mobile Learning with iPads: Challenges and Successes in a Large-Scale Initiative. Presented at Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, Florida.
Ernst, D., Cohen, B. (2011, October). Aligning IT and Academic Collaboration for Student Success. Presented at Committee on Institutional Cooperation TechForum, Champaign, Illinois.
Ernst, D., Hilk, C., et al. (2011, August). Trek transform: Professional development model for hybrid course development. Accepted for presentation at the Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
Ernst, D., Engler, J. (2011, April). Working with students through mobile technologies. Presented at the Minnesota Symposium on Analytics in Support of Advising, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2008, August). Students in a World 2.0. Invited keynote speaker to BestPrep Technology Integration Workshop.
Ernst, D. (2008, April). University of Minnesota Academic Video Initiative. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Distance Education Consortium, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2008, February). Students in a World 2.0. Invited keynote speaker at Minnesota Science Teachers Association Chemistry/Physics Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2008, February). Students in a World 2.0. Invited keynote speaker at Minnesota Science Teachers Association Chemistry/Physics Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Hosack, B. (2008, January). Annotating Video with Text Online. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Educause Learning Initiative, San Antonio, Texas.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2008, January). Phase VII: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual winter meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2007, October). Phase VII: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual fall meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2007, August). Students in a World 2.0. Invited keynote speaker to BestPrep Technology Integration Workshop.
Doering, A., Riedel, E., Scharber, C. & Ernst, D. (2007, April). “Timber for president”: Adventure learning and motivation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2007, January). Phase VI: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual winter meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2007, January). Online Social Networks. Broadcast on Tech Talk television program, KTCI.
Ernst, D., Fecik, R., Hughes, J., Jensen, M., Shannon, G., Tang, J., Trites, J. (2006, December). Using Technology to Support Community and Collaboration. Presented at Technology Enhanced Learning Forum, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2006, October). Phase VI: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual fall meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2006, October). Student Evaluations of Teaching - A Comparison of Online vs. Paper Data Collection. Presented at Educause, Dallas, Texas.
Ernst, D., Nackerud, S., Ratliff, C., Wilson, T. (2006, April). Web 2.0: Promoting Collaboration and Student-Centered Learning. Moderated panel discussion at Technology Enhanced Learning Forum, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2006, January). Phase V: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual winter meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Doering, A., Riedel, E., Scharber, C., & Ernst, D. (2005). Analyzing classroom use of adventure learning: Polarhusky.com. In proceedings of the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, Arizona.
Doering, A., Riedel, E., Ernst, D., & Scharber, C. (2005). Motivation and adventure learning. In proceeding of the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, Arizona.
Ernst, D. (2005). Social Networks. Workgroup moderator at the Wireless Cities Community Context Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2005, October). Phase V: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual fall meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Doering, A., Riedel, E., Scharber, C., Ernst, D. (2005). Analyzing Classroom Use of an Online Adventure Learning Curriculum. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Phoenix, Arizona.
Bents, M., Distad, L., Ernst, D., Ernst, S., Johnson, S., Miller, M. (2005, April). Statewide Collaborative Data Collection and Dissemination. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of College for Teacher Education, Washington D.C.
Bents, M., Distad, L., Ernst, D. (2004). MACTE Website: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota Presented to the Minnesota House of Representatives Education Committee, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2003). Making Connections: Sharing Best Practices in Human Resources Training and Development. Invited speaker at the Center for Human Resource Development Training 8 Development Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Bents, M., Ernst, D. (2003). Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented to the Minnesota P- 16 Council, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Bents, M., Ernst, D. (2003). Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented to the Minnesota Board of Teaching, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2005, January). Phase IV: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual winter meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2004, October). Phase III: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual fall meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2004, January). Faculty Survey: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual winter meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D. (2003). Breeze Live for Institutional Cooperation. Presented at the Committee on Institutional Cooperation Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2003, October). Phase II: Measures of Teacher Quality in Minnesota. Presented at the annual fall meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Ernst, D., Ernst S. (2002, October). Phase I: Data and Decision Making: MN Data Tool. Presented at the annual fall meeting of the Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.