Katie Niznik
Pronouns: she, her
Career Coach

Areas of interest
- The relationship between career development and mental health
- Conversations that start with “I’m not even sure what I want to do/major in”
- Collective Liberation through career accessibility/ the hidden curriculum of the job
application process - Strategically utilizing AI in the job search process
- Brainstorming transferable skills for resumes
- Backgrounds in Business, Human Resources, Marketing, etc.
- Job Offer Negotiation (especially equity conversations with women)
- “What can I do with an Education degree besides teach?”
Growing up, both Katie’s parents worked in education. Wanting to break the pattern, she wanted to do anything but teach. She graduated with a Bachelor’s in Business, focusing on Human Resources and Marketing. Utilizing both these emphases, she went into recruiting, but realized she was most passionate about working with college students. Katie was the recruiter at job fairs that was coaching students instead of recruiting them to her company. This led her to the university setting (despite all her efforts ending up in education, just like her parents), working at the Carlson School of Management’s career center and earning her Masters degree in Higher Education Administration. Being a career coach is a dream come true for Katie, with her passion for equity in higher education and its impact on society. She is a campus mental health advocate, especially supporting students' mental health in their career development. Outside of the office, she is thrifting, hiking in MN State Parks, planning themed house parties, playing with Beau (her Australian Shepherd and Corgi mix), and trying to find the best hand-dipped ice cream in the Twin Cities area.
Education and credentials:
- Bachelors in Marketing and Human Resources from Dordt University
- Masters in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (Higher Ed track) from the University of Minnesota
Achiever | Learner | Developer | Futuristic | Individualization
Strong interest Inventory Profile:
Social| Enterprising | Artistic
Other indicators:
- Enneagram 3
- Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Dream Job:
Career Coach or Nail Polish Color Namer
I’m passionate about:
Being a life-long learner. I am always picking up new hobbies or taking classes or attending webinars. I love learning new things and exploring new places.
Fun fact:
The first word I could spell was “Minnesota” because my dad taught me the University of Minnesota rouser when I was two years old.