Stacy Ernst
Director, Office of Teacher Education
Office Hours
by appointment
Office of Teacher Education
110E Wulling Hall
86 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-625-6899

Areas of interest
My colleagues and I provide operational leadership and support for the initial, additional teacher licensure program area faculty, staff, teacher candidates, and cooperating school professionals. We work across the college and university in support of the teaching, research, outreach, and accreditation goals specific to the development of pre-service teacher candidates and school-based professionals in district/school clinical preparation partnerships.
PhD – University of Minnesota, 2011
• Program Area: Education, emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction, specializing in Culture and Teaching
• Dissertation: Narratives in Teacher Professional Development and Metaphors Facilitators Live By
MS – Winona State University, 1996
• Program Area: Education, K-12
• Capstone: Media Production with Adolescents: Incorporating the Seven Intelligences and Cooperative Learning to Engage Students in Film
BS – St. Cloud State University, 1989
• Majors: Language Arts, Speech Communication and Secondary Education
Beach, R., Bendler, B., Dillon, D., Dockter, J., Ernst, S., Fredrick, A., Glakda, L., Helman, L., Kapoor, R., Ngo, B., O'Brien, D., Sharber, C., Jorgensen, K., Liang, L., Braaksma, M., Janssen, T., (2010) Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 45, 1-88.
Park, R., Ernst, S., & Kim, E. (2007). Moving Beyond the GED: Low-skilled adult transition to occupational pathways at community colleges leading to family-supporting careers. National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE). pp 1-50.
Sato, M., Dillon, D., Demerath, P., & Ernst, S. Teaching toward Equity: Redesigning University Teacher Education in Diverse School Contexts. AACTE Annual Meeting 2016 Symposium. February 24, 2016.
Eckerson, N., Ernst, S., Krystyniak, R., & Wilson, L. Clinical Experiences: Building a Clinical Practice Continuum to Improve Teacher Quality. AACTE Meeting 2015 Moderated Panel. February 28, 2015.
Ernst, S., Bigelow, M., Sato, M., & Matson, J. Program and Curriculum Redesign: Providing Experiences that Lead to High-Quality Teachers. AACTE Annual Meeting 2014 Panel Session. March 2, 2014.
Dominic, J., Mykerezi, E., Ernst, S., Reed, K., & Haar, J. Graduate Employment: Strategies for Job Placement of Teacher Candidates. AACTE Annual Meeting 2014 Panel Session. March 3, 2014.
Ernst, S. & Beaton, J. (2013) School District and University Collaborations that Close Gaps for P-12 Learners. Saturday Scholars at the University of Minnesota on November 2, 2013.
Snyder, J., Distad, L., Ernst, S., Mann, B., Sullivan, M. (2013) Teacher Preparation Partnerships: Communities Coming Together to Prepare Tomorrow’s Teachers. AACTE Annual Meeting 2013 Panel Session. March 1, 2013.
Ernst, S. (2012) Teacher Education Redesign Initiative (TERI) and the School Partner Network: Lessons Learned. Bush Foundation Fellows’ Summit Keynote. November 10, 2012.
Sato, M., Bigelow, M., Finsness, E., Ernst, S., & Gabrielli, M. (2011) Teacher Education Redesign Initiative (TERI): Preparing Teachers to Be Adaptive Experts. AACTE Annual Meeting 2011 Panel Session. February 25, 2011.
Gilles, J. & Ernst, S. (2010) Teacher Education Redesign Initiative (TERI). Keynote presentation. Saturday Scholars at the University of Minnesota on November 6, 2010.
Sato, M. & Ernst, S. (2010) Cultural Relevance in Science Pedagogy: Results of an Action Research Network. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. May 4, 2010.
Ernst, S. (2010) Living Storied Lives: Developers' Metaphors for Facilitating Teacher Professional Learning. AERA Roundtable session. May 3, 2010.
Sato, M. & Ernst, S. (2010) Cultural Relevance in Science Pedagogy (CRISP): Results of an Action Research Network. National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Conference. March 22, 2010.
Sato, M., Ernst, S., Gabler, M. (2010) Cultural Relevance in Science Pedagogy (CRISP): Action research network. National Science Teachers Association. March 20, 2010.