Dr. Tasneem Anwar, assistant professor, Aga Khan University's Institute for Educational Development, Karachi, Pakistan, shares a little bit about their current experience as well as advice for prospective international students in CEHD.
Starting Your First Degree-Driven Job: A Guide for Interns & Graduates. Learn how to build workplace identity, dress appropriately, plan for day one, and succeed in your first 90 days
Shaouna Shoaib Lodhi, PhD student in STEM education in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, shares a little bit about her current experience as well as advice for prospective international students in CEHD.
Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Professor and Assistant Dean for Education Opportunity Programs Rashné Jehangir’s new e-book, which examines the experiences of first-generation college students in graduate school, has just been released.
An informational interview is a meeting with an experienced professional focused on gathering information about a career or job you are interested in, and/or learning more about a particular career field.
If you make it far enough in the interview process, an employer will check your references. Your job references are people you ask to endorse the skills and qualifications on your resume and cover letter. You can't control what your references say about you. You do, however, have the ability to select who you want as a reference.
This page will help manage your networking skills to support your career planning as a CEHD student and graduate. It provides practical networking tips like how to introduce yourself and how to follow up with contacts.